Corporate Video Production


Want to promote your brand or deliver a key message to your clients? Achieve your communication goals with our highly effective business video production service. We specialise in affordable corporate video content, tailored to your needs. Based in Singapore, we work with global clients across the Asia Pacific region and beyond.

We Make Corporate Videos for You
Why Video? First of all, it’s fast, versatile and gets the job done. Don’t tell your audience about your company—show them. A corporate video from Offing Media will highlight the best features of your organisation in a format you can easily distribute across websites, social media and mobile platforms. Professionally produced business video not only delivers your key message—it makes you look good.

We are Corporate Video Specialists
Offing Media work with Asia’s leading companies, delivering high-quality video content across a range of sectors, including shipping, finance, retail, health, education and many more. When you want to profile your company and promote your services, no other medium delivers like video. The experienced team at Offing Media bring together a diverse set of skills to ensure a polished, professional result.

A company profile video we created for Eastern Pacific Shipping is a good example of how video can really showcase your organisation. The end product combines stunning aerial shots of the company’s shipping fleet, engaging images of their people at work, and an informative voice over that complements the visuals.

High quality videos needn’t cost a lot. We work efficiently to get maximum value for your budget. Offing media have a well-established reputation for cost-effective corporate video in Singapore, so why not give us a call today to discuss your business video project?

A Flexible Approach

Many production companies have strict terms of trade which can make video production unnecessarily challenging. We believe flexibility is key to a good working relationship, as demonstrated by a recent project we undertook for Trakomatic:

“It was not an easy journey for Offing Media as we had several project owner changes and multiple revisions in concept, approach over many details and worst of all, a lack of assigned budget for additional filming needed. Despite these challenges, the team remained level headed and suggested several constructive approaches towards problem-solving and the result was evidently great.”

Shaun Kwan, Trakomatic

We made extensive use of motion graphics and 3D animation to best illustrate tech company Trakomatic and their sensor technology. A key factor in the successful end product was the pre-production work carried out by our team.

From script to screen—we work alongside you to develop a video that fits your needs and goals. We tailor the project to suit you—you’ll be surprised at the quality and value we can deliver for your budget. We do this by focusing on creative solutions that deliver the best results for your organisation.

What can you use video for? Just about anything! Here are some of the highly effective video services we offer:

Company Profiles
Celebratory Video
Tour Video
Exhibition Video
Product Launches
Case Studies

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
Opinion Videos
Company Culture & Recruitment Videos
Induction/Safety Videos
Customer Testimonials

How Can We Help?

Video is undoubtedly the most popular medium for communication in the business world today. Audiences, both internal and external, expect high-quality content that is informative and visually compelling. So it makes sense to partner with an established corporate video production company in Singapore with a proven track record for results.

PIAS recently commissioned Offing Media to create their company profile video. The goal was to highlight the company’s services and project confidence and professionalism. Through a combination of high production value visuals and a reassuring voice over, the resulting video met the brief set by PIAS, and their feedback was very positive:

“Offing Media Team positively displayed their professionalism throughout the project. They were very understanding and accommodative towards the timeline we set. Besides providing expert advice, they contributed their effort to go extra miles to include some impressive scenes, with the aim to provide the best to us. It was a pleasure working with Offing Media; a big thank you to the Team!”

Thaddes CHAI Ming Cher, PIAS

Want to find out more about what we do? Check out some of our recent video projects or see what our clients think.

I Need a Video, but…

Do you have an end-goal for your video but you’re not sure how to move forward? Not a problem! We offer free, no-obligation advice to help you refine your project. Feel free to get in touch and we can arrange a meeting or Skype call to discuss your video. In the meantime, here are some factors to consider when putting together a video proposal:

  • What is the primary goal/message?
  • Who is the audience? (Internal? External? Consumers? B2B?)
  • What is the most appropriate style? (Live action, animated, documentary-style?)
  • What is your budget?
  • Where will it be viewed? (Online, Intranet, mobile?)

Another important consideration is ‘When do I need this video?’. If it ties in with a product launch or a company conference, you’ll probably have a very fixed date for delivery of the finished video. Once you have this date, you can work backwards to schedule in all the important video production milestones. Video projects normally work to the following schedule:

  • Create a brief – include goals, audience.
  • Pre-production meeting with Video Production House
  • Establish a budget, style and timeline for production
  • Filming (on location or in a studio)
  • Editing/post-production
  • Approvals with client

Finally, it’s important to remember that corporate video communications are largely about people. This includes the people who appear in the video, the audience who watch it and the team who create the video. At Offing Media, we achieve superior results by working closely with our clients, creating video content that blends high production values with your unique company culture and identity.

So, ready to make great video together? Let’s talk!


What is corporate video production? 

Corporate video production is the process of creating visual content tailored for businesses, organizations, or corporations. These videos serve various purposes such as promotional videos, training videos, informational videos, and more, helping to convey the company’s message, vision, or brand to a targeted audience.

Why is corporate video production important for businesses in Singapore? 

In Singapore’s competitive business environment, corporate video production offers a dynamic and engaging way to communicate with customers, stakeholders, and employees. It aids in building brand awareness, enhancing online presence, and conveying complex messages in an easily digestible format.

What types of corporate videos can Offing Media produce? 

Offing Media specializes in a wide range of corporate video productions, including company profile videos, explainer videos, event coverage, product demonstrations, corporate documentaries, training videos, and customer testimonial videos.

How does the video production process work at Offing Media? 

Our video production process typically involves several stages: initial consultation, concept development, scriptwriting, storyboard creation, filming, editing, and final delivery. Each stage is carefully managed to ensure the final product meets our clients’ expectations and objectives.

How long does it take to produce a corporate video? 

The production timeline can vary depending on the complexity of the project, ranging from two weeks to two months. At Offing Media, we work closely with our clients to establish a timeline that meets their schedule and goals.

What makes Offing Media different from other video production companies in Singapore?

Offing Media sets itself apart with our comprehensive in-house capabilities, creative approach, and commitment to quality. Our experienced team ensures that each video production is tailored to our clients’ specific needs and goals, delivering impactful and engaging content.

How much does corporate video production cost in Singapore? 

The cost of corporate video production can vary widely depending on factors such as the video’s length, complexity, location, and specific requirements. Offing Media offers competitive pricing and can provide a customized quote based on your project’s unique needs.

Can Offing Media help with video marketing strategy? 

Yes, we offer video marketing services to help maximize the impact of your corporate videos. Our team can assist with distribution strategies, SEO, and leveraging social media platforms to ensure your video reaches its intended audience.

What equipment and technology does Offing Media use? 

Offing Media utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and technology, including high-definition cameras, advanced animation and editing software, and professional lighting and audio gear, to produce high-quality videos that stand out.

How can businesses in Singapore benefit from corporate video content? 

Corporate video content can significantly enhance a company’s marketing efforts by increasing brand awareness, improving SEO rankings, engaging customers, and conveying key messages in an impactful way.

What is the importance of storytelling in corporate videos? 

Storytelling is crucial in corporate videos as it engages the audience emotionally, making the message more memorable and impactful. A well-told story can effectively convey the brand’s values and mission, creating a lasting impression.

How does Offing Media ensure the final video aligns with our brand identity? 

Our production team works closely with clients to understand their brand identity, target audience, and objectives. This collaboration ensures that the final video reflects the brand’s voice, style, and messaging.

Can Offing Media handle projects with tight deadlines? 

Yes, we are experienced in managing projects with tight deadlines and can work efficiently to meet your time constraints without compromising on quality.

How do we measure the success of our corporate video? 

Success can be measured through various metrics, such as video views, engagement rates, website traffic, conversion rates, and overall ROI. Offing Media can guide on best practices for tracking and analyzing these metrics.

Are there any industries Offing Media specializes in for corporate video production? 

While we have broad experience across various industries, we specialize in sectors such as finance, healthcare, education, technology, pharma, industrial safety, and hospitality understanding their unique needs and challenges.

How does Offing Media handle revisions and feedback during the video production process? 

We value our clients’ input and offer a structured revision process. Feedback is gathered at key stages of production to ensure the final video meets or exceeds expectations.

Can Offing Media assist with casting and location scouting for our video? 

Yes, our full-service production includes casting talent and scouting locations that best suit your video’s theme and objectives, managing all logistics for a seamless shoot.

How can we integrate our corporate video into our digital marketing strategy? 

Corporate videos can be integrated into your digital marketing strategy through your website, social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, and online advertising, enhancing your overall digital presence.

What are the latest trends in corporate video production Offing Media is utilizing? 

We stay at the forefront of industry trends, such as the use of drone footage, 360-degree videos, animated explainer videos, and incorporating virtual reality experiences to create engaging and innovative content.

How can we get started with our corporate video project with Offing Media? 

To start your corporate video project, contact us through our website or give us a call. We’ll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your vision, objectives, and how we can bring your ideas to life.

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