Everyone knows that the video recording features of modern smartphones get better with every new release. Some of the recent improvements include better low-light sensitivity, longer optical zooms, multiple lenses, stabilisation and AI-assisted imaging.So why do many videos still look and sound terrible? The secret to high-quality video production using a smartphone can be summarised into four key areas:
1. Story
2. Filming Technique
3. Audio Quality
4. Editing
Tell Us a Story
Even if your camera is a smartphone, the same rules of film-making apply—the story comes first. So before you begin any filming, make sure you have a proper outline or ideally a video script. If you’re making a company video, distribute the text to colleagues for advice and comment. They can help with suggestions or fix errors before you begin filming. From this script, you can generate a list of the shots you require and work out the most efficient way to shoot them.
Shoot Like a Pro
A good mindset to adopt when you begin filming is to treat your smartphone like a big, heavy professional camera. That means putting it on a tripod or fixing it to a stand, so you get beautiful stable shots. Professional cameras use a selection of lenses to get different frame sizes. You can achieve a similar effect by using the optical zoom or moving your camera closer to the subject. On big film sets, the camera is moved slowly and deliberately using dollies, cranes and gimbals.
In the same way, low-cost smartphone gimbals allow you to move your camera smoothly in all directions and are great for action scenes.
Good lighting is essential for a high-quality video, and it helps to use natural light where you can. A simple white reflector can be handy when filming outdoors, to bounce a bit of extra light onto your subject’s face.
Be Understood
Many videos are let down by poor audio quality. Ironically, viewers will tolerate lower quality video, but if the sound is hard to follow, you will quickly lose your audience. Unfortunately, smartphone audio technology has not kept up with the camera developments, and the tiny built-in microphones are very prone to wind and handling noise. The best option is to record externally on another smartphone or a low-cost audio recorder. If you only require a voice over, you can purchase microphones which connect directly to your smartphone, allowing you to record a separate voice track.
Put it All Together
Editing is not just about cutting out the ‘bad bits’. It’s a way to tighten your video story and make it more compelling to view. Simple editing tools are available on PC and Mac, or you can even edit on your smartphone using an iOS or Android app. Editing also allows you to add company logos, sub-titles and other useful graphics that give your video that professional touch.
High-quality video production on a smartphone is possible to achieve, but it does require more planning, additional equipment and personal investment in skill development. For many time-poor business owners, it makes more sense to engage a professional video production company, who have the tools, skills and experience to create the video you need.
If you have a video project in mind, contact us at Offing Media for advice and a no-obligation free quote.