Corporate Video Making Singapore

Corporate Video Making: Crafting Compelling Corporate Video Content

As video marketing continues to grow in importance, corporate companies are increasingly embracing video content strategies. Whether they have in-house production teams or not, companies can start producing videos using basic tools.

This comprehensive article will equip you with all the knowledge you need about corporate videos. You will also receive valuable tips and resources to help your company get started with corporate video production right away.

Understanding Corporate Video Production: Definition and Scope

Corporate video production refers to the process of businesses creating videos for either internal purposes, such as onboarding, training, and recruitment videos, or external marketing purposes, including case studies, advertisements, and product demos.

Under the umbrella term of corporate video production, any video content produced by a corporation falls. These videos are typically produced by a video agency or an in-house videographer. In this article, we will examine the various types of corporate videos.

Defining the Role of a Corporate Videographer

A corporate videographer is a professional who specializes in video production for organizations. Their responsibilities include filming events, capturing company footage, creating marketing video material, and more.

When looking to hire a corporate videographer, there are three options to consider:

  • Hire one in-house: This option is suitable for companies that plan to produce simple corporate videos in the long term. However, for more complex projects, option 3 might be a better choice.
  • Hire a solo freelancer: This option is ideal for one-time corporate shoots as it is cost-effective and gets the job done.
  • Hire a corporate videography agency: This option is perfect for complex shoots that require a larger team. While it might be expensive, the results are usually worth it. 

The tasks of a corporate videographer may include planning a video shoot,  setting up equipment, lighting, audio equipment, and props, capturing video footage , interviewing people in the office, and working on the final editing of the video. From Pre-Production to Post-Production, a Videographer/Video production company Manages all aspects of video production.

The Significance of Corporate Video Production

Video is a powerful tool for brand marketing, as it allows you to convey the right message to your audience through visuals and sound. Corporate video enables businesses to tell their stories, increasing engagement and awareness of their products or services. By featuring video content on your website, you remind your customers of who you are and what you offer, grabbing their attention as soon as they land on your website’s landing page.

Video combines moving imagery, small pieces of text, and sound, making it an enjoyable and effective means of communication for audiences. By providing video content, you are more likely to keep audiences focused and engaged, building trust between your brand and your customers. Customers are more likely to watch a video than read a paragraph of text, as videos are easier to consume and capture attention quickly.

To ensure your video content resonates with your audience, keep it short and attention-grabbing within the first 3 seconds. By continuing to produce video content, you create a more human approach to your marketing strategy, which audiences will respond to positively.

Corporate video is an effective means of building your brand’s identity, as it allows you to create moving visuals in bold colors, sounds, and text. These features are memorable and stick in your audience’s memory, helping with brand awareness. Video content is shareable, making it an ideal form of content for social media. Audiences enjoy sharing creative and engaging video content, allowing them to do the marketing for you and helping you reach a wider audience.

Overall, a good corporate video helps build trust, provides relevant information, and promotes your company in an exciting way, creating more interest than text would. By incorporating video into your marketing strategy, you can leverage its many benefits to drive brand awareness and increase customer engagement.

Data-Driven Evidence: The Importance of Corporate Video Production

  • To showcase the significance of video production, it is essential to highlight the statistics. As per various video marketing Surveys conducted indicate-
  • 91% of consumers want to see more online video content from brands (Wyzowl,2023)
  • 86% of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool (Wyzowl, 2021)
  • 66% of consumers find short-form video to be the most engaging type of content on social Media ( Sprout Social , 2022)
  • 92% of video marketers in 2023 say video gives them a good ROI—a record high (Wyzowl, 2021)
  • 82% of the global internet traffic came from video streaming and downloads (Cisco, 2019).

These stats prove consumers love videos and are more likely to purchase after watching one. This principle also applies to corporate training videos or investor presentations. The statistics demonstrate that incorporating video production into your marketing strategy can increase customer engagement, build brand trust, and boost sales.

In summary, the verdict is clear. While not incorporating video production won’t necessarily break your business, it can significantly hurt your business’s chances of success. With data-backed evidence highlighting the benefits of video production, it is wise for businesses to leverage this medium to its fullest potential.

Exploring the Cost of Corporate Video Production

While the cost of corporate videos can vary depending on several factors, to sum it up, it can range from $1000 to $10,000 per minute of video content. However, for commercials, the costs can vary between $5,000 to $10,000 per minute, while more extensive corporations can spend up to $100,000 per minute on corporate videos.

Several factors affect the cost of producing a corporate video, including the length of the video, the complexity of the project, the equipment and resources required, the experience and expertise of the production team, and the location of the shoot. By considering these factors, businesses can determine a budget that aligns with their goals and expectations for the video.

Exploring the Key Factors in Corporate Video Production

Developing a Story or Concept for Corporate Video Production

Crafting a compelling story or concept is an essential aspect of corporate video production. A well-crafted story can captivate audiences and convey a brand’s message in a way that is engaging and memorable. It helps to establish a connection between the audience and the brand, creating an emotional response that can leave a lasting impact. A marketer with experience in video writing can help to develop a concept that aligns with the brand’s vision and resonates with the target audience. Through their expertise in storytelling, they can create a narrative that is both informative and entertaining, capturing the attention of the audience and driving home the video’s message. By prioritizing concept development in corporate video production, businesses can produce compelling videos that leave a lasting impression and contribute to their overall marketing strategy.

Cameraperson, Videographer, and Production Crew

Corporate videos can range in complexity from simple talking head videos to more intricate, high-budget productions that require a larger crew, such as a Director of Photography, a camera assistants, lighting specialists and more.

For simpler corporate videos, a single cameraperson can capture the footage. However, for more complex videos, it’s important to hire a skilled production crew. Ultimately, the complexity of the corporate video and the resources required to produce it will dictate the cost. However, by investing in a skilled and experienced production crew, businesses can create high-quality videos that resonate with their target audience and achieve their desired impact.

The Role of Video Editors in Corporate Video Production

Video editors play a crucial role in corporate video production. They are responsible for adding graphics, color grading, tone, animations, and sound effects to create a polished and cohesive final product.

A skilled video editor is like a talented make-up artist, able to transform the raw footage into a stunning and engaging video. They have an eye for detail and a talent for visual storytelling, using their technical expertise to bring the video’s narrative to life. From pacing and timing to visual effects and music, a good video editor can elevate a corporate video to the next level, making it more effective in achieving the intended message and impact.

The Importance of Actors, Voice-Over Artists, and Narrators in Corporate Video Production

When it comes to corporate video production, having the right actors, voice-over artists, and narrators is essential to ensure the success of the video. For training and onboarding videos, businesses may be able to use internal staff to provide talent. However, marketing videos or animated videos often require the hiring of professional actors and voice-over specialists.

Experienced actors bring authenticity and relatability to marketing videos, enabling businesses to effectively connect with their target audience. Voice-over artists and narrators, on the other hand, can help to enhance the video’s message, delivering it in a clear and engaging way. They have the skills to bring a script to life, adding emotion and tone that can make a significant impact on the audience.

By investing in the right talent for their corporate videos, businesses can ensure that their message is delivered effectively and that the video’s impact is maximized.

Quality Equipment for Corporate Video Production

Corporate video production requires a wide range of equipment, depending on the specific requirements of the shoot. From drones for capturing aerial footage to audio equipment like boom or lav mics and various lighting setups for different scenarios, having the right equipment is crucial for producing high-quality videos.

When working with a video production agency, they will handle all the equipment requirements, ensuring that everything is in place for the shoot. However, if working with an in-house team or a freelancer, it may be necessary to purchase additional gear to ensure that the shoot goes smoothly and the final video meets expectations.

By investing in the right equipment for corporate video production, businesses can create videos that effectively communicate their message, engage their target audience, and contribute to their overall marketing strategy.

Exploring the Different Types of Corporate Videos

The Power of Corporate Origin Stories in Brand Building

Corporate origin stories are powerful tools for building brand identity and creating a sense of shared history among employees. These stories provide insight into a company’s founding members, their motivations, early successes, and challenges.

Origin stories can be used to establish a strong brand identity and create a lasting impression in the minds of customers and investors. Companies such as Apple and  Facebook are excellent examples of brands that have successfully used their origin stories to connect with their audience and build trust.

While not all companies have unique stories, those that do should not hesitate to share them. A well-crafted origin story can help customers relate to a brand and build trust in its products or services. To create a compelling story, it is essential to make it emotional, creative, authentic, and aligned with the brand’s vision and purpose. Hiring a professional video creation agency can help to accomplish these objectives and ensure the story resonates with the target audience

Utilizing Product Launch Videos to Boost Your Marketing Strategy

Product launch videos are a powerful tool in a business’s marketing strategy. These videos are promotional in nature and are used to announce new products or services to generate excitement, leads, and sales.

Video content is highly effective in marketing, as it allows businesses to showcase their products or services in an engaging and visually appealing way. Product launch videos can leverage the power of video to capture the attention of the target audience and effectively communicate the unique features and benefits of the new product.

Incorporating product launch videos into a marketing strategy can make a significant impact on the success of a product launch. Companies such as Apple have successfully used product launch videos to build excitement around their new products and generate buzz among their target audience.

By leveraging the power of video content, businesses can effectively communicate their message, engage their target audience, and achieve their marketing objectives, ultimately leading to increased sales and business growth.

Product Demo Videos for Effective Marketing

Product demo videos are a powerful marketing tool that showcases the features and functionality of a new product or service. These videos allow potential customers to visualize themselves using the product and experiencing its benefits, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

By demonstrating the unique features and benefits of a product, a product demo video can effectively communicate its value proposition to potential customers. This can lead to increased interest, engagement, and ultimately, sales.

Companies such as Slack have successfully utilized product demo videos to showcase their products and demonstrate their unique features and benefits. These videos can be a great asset in marketing, as they can increase customer understanding of the product and build trust in the brand.

Overall, product demo videos can be an effective marketing tool for businesses looking to introduce new products or services to the market. By showcasing the features and benefits of a product, these videos can help generate interest, engagement, and ultimately, sales.

Employee Onboarding Videos: A Powerful Tool for Building Strong Teams

Employee onboarding videos are an essential tool for getting new hires up-to-speed with company culture, values, protocol, and other important information. While they may seem simple, effective onboarding processes can significantly improve employee retention rates and productivity.

Studies show that businesses with strong onboarding processes can improve employee retention rates by up to 82% and productivity by up to 70%. This makes onboarding videos a valuable investment for any company.

A good onboarding video can help new employees feel at home and build a sense of dedication and loyalty to the company. By providing a clear understanding of company culture and expectations, these videos can also help reduce confusion and mistakes during the onboarding process.

Overall, employee onboarding videos are a powerful tool for building a strong, dedicated team and improving productivity and retention rates. By investing in effective onboarding processes, companies can set their new employees up for success and build a positive, productive work environment.

Video Case Studies to Showcase Customer Success

Video case studies are a compelling way to showcase how a customer used a product or service to achieve success. By combining the power of storytelling with the ability to showcase real results, these videos can be a powerful marketing tool.

Well-crafted video case studies are persuasive, emotional, and engaging, and can be a valuable addition to any marketing strategy. By highlighting real-world examples of how a product or service has helped customers succeed, these videos can help build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Video Testimonial to Highlight Customer Experience

Video testimonials are a type of video where a customer shares their experience of using a product or service. Well-made video testimonials should contain descriptive and emotional language to showcase the customer’s genuine feelings towards the product or service. Instead of generic statements like ‘this product is amazing,’ a good video testimonial should have the customer:

  • Passionately explain the positive results they have experienced
  • Share how the product or service has made them feel
  • Position the product as superior to its competitors.

Video testimonials can be a powerful tool in building trust and credibility with potential customers, as they demonstrate real-life experiences with the product or service.

Video advertisement for Maximising Global Reach

Video advertisement is a promotional video used to advertise a product or service, typically ranging from 15 seconds to 2 minutes in length. Take a look at this exceptional ad showcasing Taco Bell’s nacho fries, which led to one of the most successful food launches worldwide, with 53 million fries sold in just five weeks. A well-made video advertisement should:

  • Captivate the viewer in the first few seconds
  • Keep them engaged for the entire duration of the video, like a good movie
  • Be tailored to your target audience, making your product or service irresistible to them
  • Include a clear call to action
  • Be concise, without any filler material.

The Corporate Video Production Process

Pre-production : Pre-production involves planning the video concept, scriptwriting, storyboarding, casting, and scheduling. This phase includes gathering necessary assets, props, and sets. Proper pre-production planning is essential for successful video production.

Production (Filming) : This is the phase where the actual video shooting happens. For big-budget videos, the production crew includes a director, camera operators, make-up artists, and set designers. For small-budget videos, a freelance or in-house videographer can handle the filming.

Post-production : Post-production for a corporate video involves editing and finalizing the footage. This phase includes adding graphics and animations, mixing sound effects, and adding music. It’s the final stage in which the video is polished and ready for distribution.

Step-by-Step Guide for Making a Corporate Video

Develop the video concept with the end goal in mind 

When devising the concept or storyline for your video, it’s important to keep the end goal in mind. Start by asking yourself what you want your company to achieve with the video. Are you creating an employee onboarding video that inspires and motivates new hires, or an origin story that resonates with customers and enhances brand identity? Once you’ve determined the end goal, write it down in clear and concise terms. For instance, “This video should energize and motivate employees to contribute to our company’s success.” Display the statement in a visible location, and use it as a guiding principle when making creative decisions.

Script Writing

To write a good video script, start by creating a video brief that serves as your guide throughout the process. Ask yourself essential questions such as the reason for making the video, the target audience, what you want them to do after watching the video, and the core message. Once you have identified the core message, turn it into a compelling story that engages the audience and satisfies the questions you have asked. Keep the script concise and engaging, utilizing graphics, sound effects, music, and other means to convey the story. Continuously tweak the script until you are comfortable that your core message is conveyed clearly, and your target audience’s needs are met. Ask yourself if the script resonates with the audience, whether the message is conveyed appropriately, if the story flows logically, and if the video is short, sweet, and impactful.

Cast the video 

After finalizing the script, it’s time to sort out casting for the video. This will depend on the type of video you are shooting and the roles you need to fill. For example, you may want to find a skilled narrator for videos requiring narration or a talented actor with a trustworthy appearance for videos requiring actors.

For an even more authentic touch, consider casting an employee who feels comfortable in front of the camera. They may be able to convey your company’s message more effectively and genuinely, connecting better with your audience.

Film the video 

Choose a location that suits your video script and vision. Create a clear and concise production schedule and adhere to it closely. Ensure that you have good lighting when filming your video, and don’t forget to capture plenty of additional b-roll footage.

Additionally, you can shoot an actor or presenter remotely using specialized software that records high-resolution videos. If you have a high-quality camera, shooting professional videos can be easy , and you can expect crystal-clear video & audio quality. 

Edit and post-produce the footage

To edit and post-produce the footage, start by assembling the shots into a rough cut. Then add different audio tracks, such as voiceovers or cast dialogue, to the footage that you have spliced together.

After that, it’s time to add visual effects. You can spruce up your video with animation, filters, fade-ins or fade-outs, and text overlays. It’s important to correct any exposure or white balance issues in order to achieve a professional-looking video.

You can use software like Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, or AVID to help you with video editing.

Get Started on Your Corporate Video Today!

Transform your brand with Offing Media's Corporate Video Production Services

Looking to take your brand to the next level? Offing Media is here to help. Our corporate video production services can help you create engaging, informative, and visually stunning videos that showcase your brand in the best possible light. Whether you need an employee onboarding video, a product launch video, a video testimonial, or any other type of corporate video, our team of experienced professionals can help bring your vision to life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help transform your brand through the power of video.

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