Offing Media

 Advertising Video Production 

Don’t underestimate how powerful an advertising tool video can be. Between beautiful visuals, engaging storytelling, appealing personality, emotional soundtracks, and efficient communication, advertising video production can take your marketing to the next level.

What does advertising video mean? Well, there are a few types. If your advertisement promotes a direct response from the audience–if it has a clear call to action, such as a link to a website or promotion–then that video is a DRTV advert, which stands for Direct Response Television advertising. Such an advertisement can be much more effective at driving content to your landing page than a simple text explanation or image.

Of these options, video most attracts the eye, and most engage a viewer’s attention. (It also looks the most professional, since a well-crafted video is not something that just anyone can create.) Another type of advertising video is a product advert, which explains, talks about, or otherwise showcases one particular product that you have for sale. Studies show that product videos are invaluable to shoppers trying to decide between products (the shopper has much more confidence in their purchase if they can first see, in a video, the product in action), and so, they are invaluable to you, the marketer.

Lastly, we have brand advertising, which builds awareness of your brand. For such a campaign, video is uniquely powerful, because of the intrinsic human connection that comes from the people on-screen. Advertising video production in Singapore can be a huge help to building a local presence in the marketplace.

Once you know what kind of advertisement you’re making, now you get to decide what kind of video. There are several options for advertising video production in Singapore, and Offing Media can help with each and every one. You could create an animated video, to maximize eye-catching visuals. Or you could film an interview video, crafting a heartfelt human connection between your audience and someone who has been positively impacted by your product or brand.

Additionally, an explainer video is a great option for advertising a complex product or service. Whatever your focus is for advertising video production in Singapore, Offing Media can help. We’re an experienced video production company that can boost your marketing from good to top-of-the-line.

While anyone can make some sort of video on their phone these days, for the most professional, beautifully shot, clearly recorded, effectively edited, and powerfully crafted video advert, talk to the experts at Offing Media now by writing to