Offing Media

Advertisement Video Production

Video advertising is one of the key elements of marketing and should always be included in any good marketing campaign. No matter what product or service you and your company offer, advertising is fundamental if you are to continue attracting new clients and customers, and it’s also important in keeping any existing customers you may have.

The Benefits of Video Ads

When it comes to identifying the best method of advertising for you, it can get a little confusing. We believe, though, that video ads can benefit you, regardless of the industry you’re in or the people you’re trying to reach. Video gives you the flexibility and freedom to be as creative as possible, opening a whole range of options to choose from even within the confines of advertising.

How to Make Video Ad that works for you

Video advertising is and has been everywhere for a number of years now, but it’s never without it’s challenges. A large proportion of internet videos ads are now skippable. What we mean by skippable is that it’s not necessary for the viewer to watch the whole advert.

Here at Offing Media, we see skippable video adverts on online channels such as YouTube as a creative challenge rather than an obstacle. The vast majority of video advertisements now need to make a lasting impact within the first 10 seconds or, in some cases, even less. Our job is to make sure the viewer continues watching. We make an early impact with all of our video advertisements, drawing in and engaging the view from the very outset.

We have a team of highly skilled professionals working to produce high-end adverting videos, right from concept and all the way through to delivery. But don’t worry, our prices aren’t high-end at all. We aim to be as affordably priced as we possibly can, so you can utilise our services as much as you like. Check out our contact details or get a quote now. We’d love to hear from you.

Here are some of the many ways you can advertise through video:

  • YouTube Promotion Video

  • Company Profile Video

  • Trade Show Video

  • Product Video

  • Animation Interviews

  • POS (Point of Sale) videos

  • Recruitment Videos

  • Location Videos

  • Anniversary Documentaries

  • Instructional / How-To Videos