Offing Media

Making a video

Is now a good time to be making video content?

It’s a challenging time for businesses around the world, and if you’re responsible for marketing within your company, you might be asking “Should we be creating video content?” The answer is yes, and here are some good reasons why video should continue to play a central role in your marketing strategy.

Video provides contactless communication

Video conferencing apps like Zoom and Teams are the perfect way to keep in contact while maintaining social distancing, but they can be time-consuming and inefficient. We’ve all had the video calls where someone was late, someone’s mic doesn’t work or someone talks for far too long! By contrast, a well-produced video conveys information quickly, and everyone looks and sounds the best they can be. Online video also allows your audience to access the content when it suits them best.

Your clients need to hear from you more than ever

The pandemic has disrupted many aspects of our business and personal lives. As a business, you need to keep your clients briefed and up to date with any changes to your company‘s products, services and terms of trade. Video is an excellent medium for connecting with your customers and sharing your story.

Video reaches out into the community

Many businesses are stepping up to play their part in helping people cope with the pandemic. Video can help you reach out to your community and demonstrate your commitment as a local business. Many larger corporate organisations use video content to promote the charities and social programs they support. These videos not only help the charity, but they also give your brand exposure and engender goodwill with your audience.

Video reaches out to your employees

When your staff need guidance and reassurance from the top, a professional video from the CEO inspires confidence in your company. If the message is important, don’t send an email—send your staff a personal video message from their leader. In large organisations that have been locked down due to travel restrictions, an internal communications video allows staff to see and hear their co-workers and feel connected.

Useful video content is very sought-after

People are spending more time at home on the internet—and they’re looking for high-quality video content that demonstrates products, explains services and above all—solves their problem. So now is the right time to be producing professional video content that informs and inspires. 

Here are some of the different types of videos we’re producing for our clients here in
Singapore and across Asia: 

Professionally produced video content is highly adaptable— you can use videos on your website, social media channels and company intranet. Video is a powerful tool for everything from in-store promotions to digital advertising. Don’t let your competitors eat into your market share—use video to maintain your brand visibility with your customer base.

The global pandemic is compelling businesses to find new ways to connect with their customers with minimal physical contact. Video is the ultimate digital communication solution that:

  • Enables clients to see your product or service in action 

  • Provides a highly efficient tool for remote staff communication

  • Delivers higher conversion rates for e-commerce and social media promotions

  • Is reusable on many different platforms.

Offing Media are a video production studio based in Singapore. We specialise in corporate video production, live streaming, training, Health & Safety videos and much more. Talk to our producer today to discuss your video marketing strategy.

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